Germany, the home of the Dachshund or Teckel, historically, it has been the country that has defined the standards of this breed in both morphology and working abilities. These small but sturdy dogs, known for their courage and hunting prowess, have won numerous titles recognising their excellence in a variety of disciplines. From field work trials, which test their hunting instincts, to beauty competitions that assess their conformity to the official standard, German titles in a Dachshund's pedigree are a guarantee of quality. Translated with (free version)
En este artículo, se explorarán los diferentes títulos que un Dachshund puede presentar en su pedigree de Alemania expedido por la VDH (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen) DTK (Deutscher Teckelklub), país de origen de la raza, donde las pruebas rigurosas no solo certifican su aptitud para la caza, sino también su equilibrio físico y temperamental. Los títulos abarcan desde pruebas de rastro y madriguera hasta campeonatos de belleza, asegurando que el Dachshund alemán conserve su prestigio como una de las razas más completas del mundo canino.
Acronyms for Working Titles VDH DTK
Aptitude tests (Anlagenprüfungen)
Sfk (Schussfestigkeitsprüfung): Shot-resistance test
- Description: Test if the dog can withstand the sound of gunshots during a search. The dog must move at least 30 meters away from the owner while two shots are fired. If it does not show fear or flight, it is considered fit.
- Animal involved: Not applicable.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: None.
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Wa.T (Wassertest): Water test
- Description: The dog must swim to retrieve a duck shot in deep water, after two shots have been fired. He must swim 6 to 8 meters to bring the duck back voluntarily.
- Animal involved: Duck.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: None.
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Sp (Spurlautprüfung): Tracking Sound Test
- Description: Test of the dog's ability to track and bark while following the scent of a hare using only its sense of smell. The dog must not have seen the hare before starting to track it.
- Animal involved: Hare.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
BhFK/95 (Eignungsbewertung für die Bodenjagd): Assessment of suitability for underground hunting
- Description: The dog must work in artificial burrows, tracking and barking to pinpoint the location of a domesticated fox. The burrows are designed to avoid direct contact between the dog and the animal.
- Animal involved: Domesticated fox.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sp (Tracking Sound Test) or Vp (Versatility test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Hunting use tests (Jagdgebrauchsprüfungen)
St (Stöberprüfung): Hunting expedition test
- Description: The dog should search for and lift large game in dense wooded areas, working independently and tracking animals. The dog should bark to indicate the location of game.
- Animal involved: Wild boar, deer.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: Sp (Tracking Sound Test) or Vp (Versatility test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
WaS (Waldsuche): Forest Tracking Test
- Description: Test of the dog's ability to track big game in dense wooded areas. The dog must bark to signal game when located and must demonstrate control and accuracy during the search.
- Animal involved: Wild boar, deer.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: Sp (Tracking Sound Test) or Vp (Versatility test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
StiJ (Stöbern im Jagdbetrieb): Test of a real game hunt
- Description: Evaluates the performance of the dog during a real game drive. The dog must independently track and find big game and guide it to the hunter. It is evaluated under real hunting conditions.
- Animal involved: Wild boar, deer.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test) and Sp (Tracking Sound Test) or WaS (Forest Tracking Test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Observation tests (Beobachtungstafel)
ESw (Eignung zur Stöberjagd mit Schwarzwild): Proof of aptitude for hunting wild boar
- Description: This is done in an enclosed area with wild boar. The dog must track and bark persistently while pushing the boar out of its hiding place, maintaining visual and auditory contact with the animal.
- Animal involved: Wild boar.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sp (Tracking Sound Test), Vp (Versatility test), St (Hunting expedition test) or WaS (Forest Tracking Test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
SauN (Schwarzwild/Natur): Wild boar hunting test under natural conditions
- Description: Evaluated during a real hunt in a natural environment. The dog must track the boar and guide it out of its hiding place to give the hunter the opportunity to bring it down.
- Animal involved: Wild boar.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: ESw (Aptitude test for wild boar hunting).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Blood screening tests (Schweißarbeit)
SchwhK (Schweißprüfung auf künstlicher Wundfährte): blood-trace test with artificial track
- Description: The dog must follow an artificial blood track about 20 hours old which simulates the trail of a wounded animal, maintaining the trail without getting lost or straying. This test may include the mention. Tv or Tw if the dog follows the scent and locates a downed game, applying the corresponding behaviour.
- Animal involved: Not applicable (artificial track).
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
SchwhKF (Schweißprüfung auf künstlicher Wundfährte mit Fährtenschuh): Blood tracing test with tracing shoe
- Description: Similar to SchwhK, but with the use of a tracking shoe that creates an additional artificial track, which increases the difficulty of tracking. It may include the mention Tv or Tw if the dog finds a piece and performs the corresponding actions.
- Animal involved: Not applicable (artificial track).
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
SchwhK/40, SchwhKF/40 (Erschwerte Schweißprüfung auf künstlicher Wundfährte): Difficult blood-trace test with an artificial track
- Description: Advanced blood tracking test with an age of about 40 hours on a longer and more complex artificial track. The dog must demonstrate accuracy in tracking over a longer distance. This test may include the mention of Tv or Tw if the dog locates a piece and performs the required behaviours.
- Animal involved: Not applicable (artificial track).
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: SchwhK (Blood Tracking Test on Artificial Track).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
SchwPoR/20 - SchwPoR40 (Schweißprüfung ohne Richterbegleitung 20/40): Blood-tracing test unaccompanied by the judge
- Description: In this test, the dog must follow a 20 or 40 hours old blood track without the direct company of a judge. The ability of the dog to maintain the track independently is evaluated.
- Animal involved: Not applicable (artificial track).
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: SchwhK (Blood Tracking Test on Artificial Track).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
SchwhN (Schweißarbeit auf natürlicher Wundfährte): blood-trace test with natural track
- Description: The dog must follow a blood track in natural conditions (generated by a real wounded animal). Its ability to track and locate the shot animal in a natural environment is evaluated. It may include the mention Tv or Tw if the dog finds the item and acts according to the required behaviour.
- Animal involved: Deer, wild boar.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
VSwP und VSwP/F (Verbandsschweißprüfung und Verbandsscheißprüfung Fährtenschuh): Federation Blood Tracking Test and Tracking Shoe Test
- Description: Advanced blood tracking test in which the dog must follow a natural or artificial trail under the Federation's regulations. It can be performed with or without the use of the tracking shoe, which affects the complexity of the test.
- Animal involved: Not applicable (artificial or natural runway).
- Test type: Artificial and natural.
- Prerequisite: SchwhK (Blood Tracking Test on Artificial Track).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT possibility.
Versatility tests (Vielseitigkeitsprüfungen)
Vp (Vielseitigkeitsprüfung): Versatility test
- Description: Comprehensive test that evaluates the dog's tracking, searching and obedience skills in a variety of hunting environments and conditions. May include mention of Tv or Tw if the dog finds a piece during the test and performs as expected.
- Animal involved: Various (deer, wild boar, etc.).
- Test type: Natural and artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT/CACIT possibility.
VpoSp (Versatility test without track): Prueba de versatilidad sin ladrido
- Description: Similar to Vp, but the ability of the dog to bark during tracking is not assessed. All other versatility and obedience skills are assessed. May include mention of Tv or Tw if the dog performs according to these skills during the test.
- Animal involved: Various (deer, wild boar, etc.).
- Test type: Natural and artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACT/CACIT possibility.
IntVp (Internationale Vielseitigkeitsprüfung): International Versatility Test
- Description: Advanced test that evaluates the dog's versatility capabilities in international scenarios, including tracking, retrieving and obedience in varying conditions. May include mention of Tv or Tw if the dog acts according to these behaviours during the test.
- Animal involved: Various (deer, wild boar, etc.).
- Test type: Natural and artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: CACIT possibility.
Burrowing work (Bauarbeit)
BhN (Bodenjagd in Jagdrevieren an Natur- und Kunstbauen): Underground hunting in natural and man-made terrain
- Description: The dog works in natural or artificial burrows, tracking foxes and other animals, signalling their location by barking.
- Animal involved: Fox, badger, etc.
- Test type: Natural and artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Work for Dwarf and Rabbit Dachshunds (Arbeiten für Zwerg- und Kaninchenteckel)
KSchlH (Kaninchenschleppe/Herausziehen): Rabbit trace and extraction
- Description: The dog must track a rabbit and extract it from a hidden location, demonstrating accuracy and control.
- Animal involved: Rabbit.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
KSpN (Kaninchensprengen/Natur): Rabbit extraction under natural conditions
- Description: The dog must find a rabbit in its natural burrow and expel it without direct contact.
- Animal involved: Rabbit.
- Test type: Natural.
- Prerequisite: Sfk (Shot Resistance Test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Pet dog tests (Begleithundeprüfungen)
BHP 1-3 und BHP-G (Begleithundeprüfung 1-3 und BHP-G): Pet dog test
- Description: Assesses the dog's obedience and social skills in a variety of everyday situations. There are several levels of difficulty (BHP 1-3, BHP-G).
- Animal involved: Not applicable.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: None.
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
BHPS 1-3 und BHPS-G (Erschwerte Begleithundeprüfung): Advanced Companion Dog Test
- Description: Similar to BHP, but in more challenging conditions, where greater control and precision in obedience is assessed.
- Animal involved: Not applicable.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: BHP (Pet Dog Test).
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Obstacle race (Hindernislauf)
HL (Hindernislauf): Obstacle course
- Description: The dog must overcome a series of obstacles on a course, demonstrating speed, flexibility and the ability to follow instructions.
- Animal involved: Not applicable.
- Test type: Artificial.
- Prerequisite: None.
- CACT/CACIT: Not applicable.
Totverbeller (Tv) y Totverweiser (Tw)
- Tv (Totverbeller): The dog must find a downed game and stay on the spot, barking to alert the hunter. This behaviour is evaluated during a blood tracking test.
- Tw (Totverweiser): Similar to Tv, but the dog must return to the hunter and lead him to the game. Both signs are only awarded during a blood tracking test.
Acronyms Morphology Titles VDH DTK
- BCh (Bundessieger Champion): National Champion at a national show in Germany organised by the DTK.
- BKS (Bundesklubsieger): National Club Champion awarded at DTK shows.
- Bs (Bundessieger): German National Championship Proficiency Certificate, awarded at the National Show (Bundessieger).
- BJs (Bundesjugendsieger): German National Junior Championship Proficiency Certificate, awarded at the National Junior Show.
- Ch.E (Spanischer Champion): Title awarded to the dog that fulfils the criteria to be Champion of Spain (RSCE).
- DtCh DTK (Deutscher Champion DTK): German DTK Champion, awarded by the DTK to dogs that have won several CACs at club shows.
- DtCh VDH (Deutscher Champion VDH): German Champion VDH, awarded by the VDH to dogs that win several CACs at shows recognised by the VDH.
- EJs (Europajugendsieger): European Junior Champion, awarded to the best young dog at a European show.
- Es (Europasieger): European Champion, awarded to the best adult dog at a European show.
- FCh (Field Champion): Field Champion, title for dogs of exceptional ability in field trials.
- FKS (Feldklubsieger): Country Club Champion, awarded to the best dog in a club field work competition.
- HCh (Hungarian Champion): Hungarian Champion, title awarded at national exhibitions in Hungary.
- IschCh (Internationaler Schönheitschampion): International Beauty Champion, awarded for winning CACIB in different countries.
- ItCh (Italienischer Meister): Italian Champion, title awarded at national Italian exhibitions.
- KJs (Klubjugendsieger): Club Junior Champion, awarded to the best young dog in DTK shows.
- Ks (Klubsieger): Club Champion, awarded to the best adult dog in DTK shows.
- KJs (Klassenjugendsieger): Junior Class Winner Proficiency Certificate, awarded to the best juvenile in a class at a show.
- Ls (Landessieger): Regional Championship Proficiency Certificate, awarded at regional shows in Germany.
- LJs (Landesjugendsieger): Regional Junior Champion, awarded to the best young dog at regional shows in Germany.LS (Landessieger): Regional Champion, awarded to the best adult dog at a regional show.
- Lux-Ch (Luxembourg Champion): Luxembourg Champion, title awarded for winning several CACs at national shows in Luxembourg.
- Lux-JCh (Luxembourg Youth Champion): Junior Champion of Luxembourg, awarded to the best young dog in beauty shows in Luxembourg.
- Ws (Weltsieger): World Champion, title awarded to the best dog at the world dog show organised by the FCI.
- WUT-Ch (Welt Union Teckel Champion): World Dachshund Union Champion, awarded to dogs winning several CACs at international WUT shows.
- WUT-JCh (Welt Union Teckel Jugend-Champion): Junior Champion of the World Dachshund Union, title for young dogs that win several JCACs at WUT junior shows.
- VDH Ch (VDH Champion): Championship Proficiency Certificate of the VDH (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen), required for the title of National Champion in Germany.
- Gs (Gebrauchssieger): German Working Champion, awarded in utility tests for the title of Working Champion.
- IACh (Internationaler Arbeitschampion): International Working Championship Proficiency Certificate, required for the title of International Working Champion.
Marks for morphology and working tests
- V (Vorzüglich): Excellent rating, the highest rating in beauty shows.
- Sg (Sehr Gut): Very Good : A rating of Very Good, given to dogs which conform well to the breed standard but are not perfect.
- Gt (Gut): Rating of Good
- BIG (Best in Group): Best dog in his group (by type or function) at a show.
- BOB (Best of Breed): Best dog among all dogs of the same breed at a show.
- CAC (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat): National Championship Proficiency Certificate, required for the title of National Champion.
- CACIB (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté): International Championship Proficiency Certificate, necessary for the title of International Beauty Champion.
- CACT (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat de Travail): Certificate of Proficiency for the Working Championship, required for the title of National Working Champion.
- CACIT (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Travail): Certificate of Proficiency for the International Working Championship, required for the title of International Working Champion.
In conclusion, the pedigree titles of a Dachshund of German origin not only represent recognition of its excellence at shows or working trials, but also reflect a genetic heritage of quality that guarantees its functionality as a hunting dog. These titles, which cover both beauty and performance in the field, are the result of careful selection and breeding based on centuries of experience. Maintaining the tradition and prestige of this breed depends on continuing to cherish these distinctions, which not only reward the best specimens, but also ensure the perpetuation of the characteristics that make the Dachshund an unrivalled companion in the hunting field.